International Activities

Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences has concluded comprehensive exchange agreements with the following Four Universities.
・University of Colorado (USA)
・Colorado State University (USA)
・University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Craiova (Romania)
・Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
Joint Study and Activities
- Colorado University, Colorado State university
Yamagata prefectural University of Health Sciences and the University of Colorado and Colorado Staste University continue their exchange: by 2019, YPU-HS have sent undergraduate students to the United States of America.; from 2020 to 2023, they are continuing their exchange remotely.
Around 100 students and faculty members from Japan have visited the USA so far, from all three departments, gaining important experience in cultural understanding and professionalism.
- University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Craiova (Romania)
We have a comprehensive agreement on education and research with Yamagata University of Health Sciences. In 2019, the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine came to Japan from Romania. He visited the Prefectural Central Hospital and made an inspection tour on wide-area emergency medicine, including a doctoral helicopter, followed by an exchange of views on education and cooperation for medical and nursing students. In 2023, Faculty member from YPU-HS went to Romania to give lectures on mental health especially suicide prevention and health assessment after disaster to Romanian medical students.
- Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
An agreement on general and comprehensive relationship was concluded in March, 2023, and joint research and other exchanges are planned.